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Tổng hợp sách của nhà xuất bản đang cập nhât tại KhoSach.com.vn
a handful of quiet: happiness in four pebbles

A Handful Of Quiet: Happiness In Four Pebbles

A playful, illustrated guide to one of the best known and most innovative meditation practices for young children experiencing stress, difficulty focusing, and difficult emotions

Developed by Thich Nhat Hanh as part of the Plum Village community’s practice with children, pebble meditation is a playful and fun activity that parents and educators can do with their children to introduce them to meditation. It is designed to involve children in a hands-on and creative way that touches on their interconnection with nature. Practicing pebble meditation can help relieve stress, increase concentration, nourish gratitude, and can help children deal with difficult emotions.

A Handful of Quiet is a concrete activity that parents and educators can introduce to children in school settings, in their local communities or at home, in a way that is meaningful and inviting. Any adult wishing to plant seeds of peace, relaxation, and awareness in children will find this unique meditation guide helpful. Children can also enjoy doing pebble meditation on their own.

黒執事アンソロジーコミック 虹執事 - black butler

黒執事アンソロジーコミック 虹執事 - Black Butler

黒執事初の公式アンソロジーコミックが登場!! 人気クリエーター達がそれぞれの作風で描く、7色のセバスチャンを堪能しよう!

measure what matters: how google, bono, and the gates foundation rock the world with okrs

Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, And The Gates Foundation Rock The World With OKRs


'For anyone interested in becoming a better manager' - Bill Gates


Discover the revolutionary movement behind the explosive growth of Intel, Google, Amazon and Uber.

In 1999, legendary venture capitalist John Doerr invested nearly $12 million in a small 40-person startup that had amazing technology, entrepreneurial energy and sky-high ambitions, but no real business plan. Doerr introduced the founders to his system of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and, with those principles at the foundation of their management, the startup grew at an exponential rate. Today, that same startup - Google - has more than 70,000 employees with a market cap exceeding $600 billion.

Doerr has introduced OKRs to more than fifty companies, helping tech giants and charities exceed all expectations. In the OKR model, objectives define what we seek to achieve and key results are how those top­ priority goals will be attained. They focus effort, foster coordination and enhance workplace satisfaction. For the first time in Measure What Matters, Doerr shares a broad range of first-person, behind-the-scenes case studies, with narrators including Bono and Bill Gates, to demonstrate the agility and explosive growth that OKRs have spurred at so many great organizations.

With a foreword by Larry Page, and contributions from Bono and Bill Gates, this book will show you how to collect timely, relevant data to track progress - to measure what matters. It will help any organization or team aim high, move fast, and excel.


'Management magic....Measure What Matters is a must read for anyone motivated to improve their organization' - Former Vice President Al Gore, chairman of the Climate Reality Project

'Measure What Matters shows how any organization or team can aim high, move fast, and excel' - Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO

'Measure What Matters deserves to be fully embraced by every person responsible for performance in any walk of life' - Jim Collins, author of Good to Great


your true home: the everyday wisdom of thich nhat hanh

Your True Home: The Everyday Wisdom Of Thich Nhat Hanh

Bringing the energy of true presence into our lives really does change things for the better—and all it takes is a little training. This treasury of 365 gems of daily wisdom from one of the most beloved Buddhist teachers of our age is a help and support for anyone who wants to train to meet every moment of life with 100 percent attention. Thich Nhat Hanh shows how practicing mindfulness can transform every area of our lives—and how its benefits radiate beyond us to affect others and the whole, larger world.

bộ sakamoto days 5


「運に身を任せたやつから死んでいく」──。緊迫する坂本商店vs.中国マフィア・ウータンのカジノ対決!! ルーを守り、懸賞金の情報をゲットできるか!? さらに、最凶最悪の刺客達が、海を越えて坂本に迫り来る!!

童夢 - otomo the complete works







世界的なタイトルを次々に生み出し、漫画家、イラストレーター、映像監督、シナリオライターなどのジャンルに囚われない創作者の顔を持つ大友克洋。その多様な「全仕事」のすべてを、作者である大友克洋自身が時代順に俯瞰、総括、そしてリ=プロデュースするのが「OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS」(大友克洋全集)です。日本から世界中に衝撃をもたらした表現方法の集積は、一人の作家のパーソナルな仕事集というだけでなく、1970年代から現代までの漫画、アニメ、映像までをも含む、現代文化の冒険を愉しめる作品集とも言えるでしょう。時代によって何が生み出されたか。作家は時代に何を見て、考えてきたのか。そして作家は、次に何を試みていくのか。──作品から発言までを網羅することで、作家としての進化を明らかにし、次の世代の創作者へその姿勢を伝えていく。この全集は作家自身が自らを「作品化」し、手触りも含むモノとして記録する、まったく新しい全集となります。(編集室より)

bộ イジらないで、長瀞さん 1 - ijiranaide nagatoro san - don't toy with me, miss nagatoro

イジらないで、長瀞さん 1 - Ijiranaide Nagatoro-San 1 - Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 1



「後輩の女子に泣かされた……!!」ある日の放課後、たまに立ち寄る図書室で、スーパー“ドS”な後輩に目をつけられた! 先輩を、イジって、ナジって、、はしゃぐ彼女の名前は――『長瀞さん』! 憎たらしいけど愛おしい。苦しいのに傍にいたい。あなたの中の何かが目覚める、“Sデレ少女”の物語。丸ごと2話の描き下ろしを加えて、待望の単行本化!!

映画ドラえもん のび太の宇宙小戦争 2021 シールおあそびえほん - doraemon nobita's little star wars 2021 sticker play picture book

映画ドラえもん のび太の宇宙小戦争 2021 シールおあそびえほん - Doraemon Nobita's Little Star Wars 2021 Sticker Play Picture Book


「映画ドラえもん のび太の宇宙小戦争 2021」では、ドラえもんたちが小さい宇宙人・パピと出会い、助けることになります。そのストーリーに沿って、知育遊びが楽しめる幼児向けシール付き絵本です。




bộ キメツ学園! 1 - kimetsu gakuen! 1

キメツ学園! 1 - Kimetsu Gakuen! 1


大人気マンガ『鬼滅の刃』のキャラクターたちが、生徒&先生に!? 炭治郎たちの学園ライフはやっぱりドタバタの連続!? 公式スピンオフ、はじまるっ!!

bộ beastars 22





water cycles

Water Cycles

Dive into the life-cycle of water and discover how it supports all life forms, how humans harness its power, and why we need to conserve it.

From snowflakes falling from the clouds and deep ocean currents to hot springs and water in space, this children's nature book showcases the beauty and power of water in the natural world.

Inside the pages of this fascinating science book for kids, you'll discover:

- Bite-size facts about inhabitants of freshwater and saltwater

- Incredible photographs and illustrations that capture the power of water in nature

- Subjects included supports STEM learning

- How critical water is to the world we live in, covering national curriculum topics around biology, the natural world, geography, global warming for kids, and much more

The wonderful world of water awaits! Water is essential for life. We drink it, bathe in it, and thousands of creatures live in it. But we are running desperately low on it. Water Cycles shows children how important keeping hydrated is for our health and what we can do to save this life-giving substance in the face of climate change.

This children's wildlife book is packed with incredible facts about water. Little ones will learn how it affects Earth's weather, through rainstorms, snow flurries, and cyclones, how it is used in growing food and in making electricity, as well as how water travels into our homes at the turn of a tap.

From rushing rivers to vast oceans full of animals and plants, water is everywhere. Children will love seeing starfishes, manatees, and orcas come to life through spectacular photography and illustrations. It's the perfect gift for kids aged 7-11 years who love nature and its processes!

the medicine book: big ideas simply explained

The Medicine Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained

Discover the most important and groundbreaking milestones in the history of medicine, and the people behind them.

From ancient herbal remedies to modern drugs, this accessible medical reference book explores the breakthroughs and discoveries that have shaped our modern-day understanding of medicine.

Inside the pages of this illustrated medicine history book, you'll discover:

- Profiles of more than 90 of the biggest ideas, breakthroughs, and milestones in international medical history

- Thought-provoking graphics and flow-charts that demystify the central concepts behind each medical idea

- Insightful and inspiring quotes from famous physicians, scientists, politicians, and academics

How are illnesses diagnosed? How do vaccinations work? Why are some pandemics so deadly?

This informative book about medicine through time answers big questions like these and many more!

Packed with pithy explanations, step-by-step diagrams and bright illustrations, The Medicine Book cuts through the jargon and offers a clear overview of the greatest medical breakthroughs. Learn about major diseases such as cancer and the global eradication of smallpox. Explore new developments in IVF and gene manipulation, as well as medical science's response to global challenges, such as COVID-19.

It's perfect for medical professionals, students of medicine, or anyone interested in the fascinating medical history of the world.

Complete the series:

The Big Ideas Simply Explained series follows an innovative visual approach to make any subject accessible to everyone. Discover more than 100 of the most infamous, audacious, gory, horrifying, and notorious crimes in The Crime Book. Explore more than 90 of the most awe-inspiring astronomical ideas in The Astronomy Book.

life skills

Life Skills

A beautifully illustrated book that covers the essential life skills that children need to know.

Discover how you can become the awesome person you want to be with this guide to essential life skills for children. This book helps kids tackle the difficulties they face and helps them to prepare for whatever the future may hold.

Inside the pages of this essential life skills book, you'll discover:

- Clear and practical life skills divided into 5 chapters covering: Finding Solutions, Ways of Thinking, Communicating, Understanding Feelings, and Coping in Life

- Bright, fun illustrations that help readers to digest complex topics like understanding body language and decision making

- Topics that drill down into all the different aspects of life skills education for 7-9-year-olds, such as communication, solving problems, understanding yourself and others, and critical thinking skills

- Practical advice and activities on how to think up solutions for difficult problems, how to work with other people as a team, and how to write a feelings diary

This illustrated guide for children includes practical advice and real-life examples that teach problem-solving, how to make good decisions, and excellent communication skills. Children will learn how to better assess and react to challenges they may face, as well as create coping strategies for difficult situations.

Kids can work through engaging activities like making mind maps, thinking about body language, and putting themselves in someone else's shoes. Developing life skills not only leads to better prospects at school and in a future career, but it also gives young people more confidence to aim for a bright, secure and happy future.

背景作画 改訂版 ゼロから学ぶプロの技 神技作画シリーズ (kitora 神技作画シリーズ) haikei sakuga kaiteiban zero kara manabu puro no waza

背景作画 改訂版 ゼロから学ぶプロの技 神技作画シリーズ (KITORA 神技作画シリーズ)

Photoshop / CLIP STUDIO PAINT両対応!















★本書はAdobe Photoshop CCとCLIP STUDIO PAINTでの使用を例に、背景の描き方を解説しています


とっておきドラえもん おいしいうれしいグルメ編 - totteoki no doraemon oishii ureshii gourmet hen

とっておきドラえもん おいしいうれしいグルメ編 - Totteoki no Doraemon Oishii Ureshii Gourmet Hen

























veil 2 凪いだノワール

Veil 2 凪いだノワール















bộ ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 49 - jojo's bizarre adventure - jojo no kimyouna bouken

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 49 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 49


bộ disney twisted-wonderland the comic episode of heartslabyul 1

Disney Twisted-Wonderland The Comic Episode Of Heartslabyul 1


ごく普通の高校生・ユウ。下校中、ユウは謎の馬車に遭遇し、連れ去られてしまう。目が覚めると、そこは“ツイステッドワンダーランド”という異世界で――!?大人気スマートフォンゲーム『ディズニー ツイステッドワンダーランド』の第1章「真紅の暴君」を、制作スタッフが自らコミック化!!

bộ disney kids readers level 4: the lion king

Disney Kids Readers Level 4: The Lion King

Disney The Lion King - Simba’s father, Mufasa, was king of the Pride Lands. “One day, you are going to be king of all this,” he tells Simba. But Simba’s uncle, Scar, thinks differently. Can Simba learn Scar’s true plan? Who is the true Lion King?

Discover the magic of stories.  

Disney Kids Readers (DKR) for Young Learners is designed to make your child learn English better.

They can dive into adventures with their favourite Disney characters, and enjoy the interactive features at the end of each story when they share "reading time" with you!

The 36 DKR volumes use beautiful artwork from animated and live Disney and PIXAR films, helping students expand their reading skills in an engaging and motivating way.  There is also an audiobook feature that can help your child learn how to pronounce English words correctly!

Learning to read and speak in English has never been so much fun!

All Disney Kids Readers are aligned to the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework (CEFR).

Level 4

CEFR: A1-A2+, GSE: &nbsp;27-35

Pages: 32

Headwords: 800

Narrative wordcount: 1,100-1,250

Words per page: 40-60

Extra words: +15

casa brutus (カーサ ブルータス) 2021年 10月号 [大人も読みたい藤子・f・不二雄100] - the best of fujiko f. fujio

Casa BRUTUS (カーサ ブルータス) 2021年 10月号 [大人も読みたい藤子・F・不二雄100] - The Best Of FUJIKO F. FUJIO








そんな名作を生み出した藤子・F・不二雄の作品は時代や国境を超えて愛され、 常に新しい示唆に富み、気付きやアイデアを与えてくれるのです。

そして〈川崎市 藤子・F・不二雄ミュージアム〉はこの秋に開館10周年を迎え、








BEST 100

佐藤オオキ、森永邦彦、ツペラ ツペラ、幅允孝がセレクト




●オバケのQ太郎 新オバケのQ太郎



































祐真朋樹 Miracle Closet

古今東西 かしゆか商店

長山智美 デザイン狩人

小寺慶子 レストラン予報

ほしよりこ カーサの猫村さん

Chill Cars 時代を超えて愛される、デザインの良い車。

bộ 名探偵コナン 100 - detective conan 100

名探偵コナン 100 - Detective Conan 100





--そして、組織のNo,2 ラム。






the girl who drank the moon

The Girl Who Drank The Moon

'This beautifully written, darkly funny coming-of-age story will enchant and entertain' Daily Mail

Every year, the people of the Protectorate leave a baby as an offering to the witch who lives in the forest. They hope this sacrifice will keep her from terrorizing their town. But the witch in the Forest, Xan, is in fact a good witch who shares her home with a wise Swamp Monster and a Perfectly Tiny Dragon. Xan rescues the children and delivers them to welcoming families on the other side of the forest, nourishing the babies with starlight on the journey.

One year, Xan accidentally feeds a baby moonlight instead of starlight, filling the ordinary child with extraordinary magic. Xan decides she must raise this girl, whom she calls Luna, as her own. As Luna's thirteenth birthday approaches, her magic begins to emerge - with dangerous consequences. Meanwhile, a young man from the Protectorate is determined to free his people by killing the witch. Deadly birds with uncertain intentions flock nearby. A volcano, quiet for centuries, rumbles just beneath the earth's surface. And the woman with the Tiger's heart is on the prowl . . .

The Newbery Medal winner from the author of the highly acclaimed novel The Witch's Boy.


immune: a journey into the mysterious system that keeps you alive

Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - A gorgeously illustrated deep dive into the immune system that will forever change how you think about your body, from the creator of the popular science YouTube channel Kurzgesagt--In a Nutshell

"Through wonderful analogies and a genius for clarifying complex ideas, Immune is a truly brilliant introduction to the human body's vast system for fighting infections and other threats."--John Green, 1 New York Times bestselling author of The Fault in Our Stars

You wake up and feel a tickle in your throat. Your head hurts. You're mildly annoyed as you get the kids ready for school and dress for work yourself. Meanwhile, an epic war is being fought, just below your skin. Millions are fighting and dying for you to be able to complain as you head out the door.

But most of us never really stop to ask: What even is our immune system?

Second only to the human brain in its complexity, it is one of the oldest and most critical facets of life on Earth. Without it, you would die within days. In Immune, Philipp Dettmer, the brains behind the most popular science channel on YouTube, takes readers on a journey through the fortress of the human body and its defenses. There is a constant battle of staggering scale raging within us, full of stories of invasion, strategy, defeat, and noble self-sacrifice. In fact, in the time you've been reading this, your immune system has probably identified and eradicated a cancer cell that started to grow in your body.

Each chapter delves into an element of the immune system, including defenses like antibodies and inflammation as well as threats like bacteria, allergies, and cancer, as Dettmer reveals why boosting your immune system is actually nonsense, how parasites sneak their way past your body's defenses, how viruses work, and what goes on in your wounds when you cut yourself.

Enlivened by engaging full-color graphics and immersive descriptions, Immune turns one of the most intricate, interconnected, and confusing subjects--immunology--into a gripping adventure through an astonishing alien landscape. Immune is a vital and remarkably fun crash course in what is arguably, and increasingly, the most important system in the body.

bộ 【愛蔵版】新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 3 - neon genesis evangelion (collector's edition)

【愛蔵版】新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 3


コミック版「エヴァ」が【愛蔵版】(全7巻)で登場! カバーイラストは描き下ろし、A5判での刊行! 著者の直筆メッセージとイラストをプリントした【記念色紙】付き!

愛蔵版は2巻ずつの内容を収録した、[全7巻]! カバーイラストはすべて描き下ろし、A5判での刊行!



【サイン色紙 〈惣流・アスカ・ラングレー〉】



kayℹs anatomy: a complete (and completely disgusting) guide to the human body

Kay’s Anatomy: A Complete (And Completely Disgusting) Guide To The Human Body


Discover all the weird and wonderful things that go on inside your body with Dr Adam Kay. Covers key stage 2 / 3 human biology syllabus (in a slightly repulsive way).

'Hilarious and fascinating! I wish Adam had been my biology teacher' - Konnie Huq

Do you ever think about your body and how it all works? Like really properly think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well . . . pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your maths teacher's is even weirder.

This book is going to tell you what's actually going on in there, and answer the really important questions, like:

Are bogeys safe to eat? Look, if your nose is going to all that effort of creating a snack, the least we can do is check out its nutritional value. (Yes, they're safe. Chew away!)

And how much of your life will you spend on the toilet? About a year - so bring a good book. (I recommend this one.)

So sit back, relax, put on some rubber gloves, and let a doctor take you on a poo (and puke) filled tour of your insides. Welcome to Kay's Anatomy*.

*a fancy word for your body. See, you're learning already.

'The sort of book I would have loved as a child' - Malorie Blackman

'Like listening to a teacher who makes pupils fall about' - The Times

'Absolutely packed with facts... Entertaining and highly informative' - Daily Mail

'As brilliant, and revolting, as the human body it celebrates' - The i newspaper

'Totally brilliant!' - Jacqueline Wilson

'If only this funny and informative book had been around when I was too embarrassed to teach my kids about bodily functions' - David Baddiel

crooked kingdom

Crooked Kingdom

See the Grishaverse come to life on screen with Shadow and Bone, now a Netflix original series.

Crooked Kingdom is the 1 New York Times-bestselling Book Two in the Six of Crows Duology. Now in paperback with a brand-new exclusive piece of art, an interview with Leigh Bardugo and a sneak peek of her next book.

When you can't beat the odds, change the game.

Kaz Brekker and his crew have just pulled off a heist so daring even they didn't think they'd survive. But instead of divvying up a fat reward, they're right back to fighting for their lives. Double-crossed and badly weakened, the crew is low on resources, allies, and hope. As powerful forces from around the world descend on Ketterdam to root out the secrets of the dangerous drug known as jurda parem, old rivals and new enemies emerge to challenge Kaz's cunning and test the team's fragile loyalties. A war will be waged on the city's dark and twisting streets--a battle for revenge and redemption that will decide the fate of the Grisha world.

disney princess 5-minute princess stories

Disney Princess 5-Minute Princess Stories

This treasury stars all 12 Disney princesses, from Snow White to Moana, and features a durable, padded cover and beautiful full-page illustrations.

Each of the twelve stories in this collection is the perfect length for reading aloud in about five minutes, making them perfect for jam-packed days.

The princesses' latest adventures are the royal choice before bedtime, story time, or anytime!

Featuring Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, and Moana!

reading explorer foundations: student book and online workbook sticker

Reading Explorer Foundations: Student Book And Online Workbook Sticker

Reading Explorer, a six-level reading series, prepares learners for academic success with highly visual, motivating National Geographic content that features real people, places, and stories.

Real-world stories captivate learners and give them a better understanding of the world and their place in it.

'Reading Skills' and 'Reading Comprehension' sections provide the tools necessary to become an effective and critical reader.

'Target Vocabulary Practices' teaches the most useful words and phrases needed for academic reading. Strong readers have strong vocabulary.

Engaging National Geographic video enhances the learning experience and allows learners to apply their language skills.

bộ give me five! level 1 pupil's book pack with navio app

Give Me Five! Level 1 Pupil's Book Pack

Give Me Five! Pupil's Book Pack provides tools to engage children in learning key 21st century and collaboration skills. Each pack consists of a Pupil's Book including codes to access the student world experience in the new Navio blended learning platform.

劇場版「美少女戦士セーラームーンeternal」公式ビジュアルbook - sailormoon eternal

劇場版「美少女戦士セーラームーンEternal」公式ビジュアルBOOK - SailorMoon Eternal


『ディズニー ツイステッドワンダーランド』公式ガイド+設定資料集 magical archives (se-mook)

『ディズニー ツイステッドワンダーランド』公式ガイド+設定資料集 Magical Archives (SE-MOOK)


"『ディズニー ツイステッドワンダーランド』のゲームガイドと設定資料がまとまった、充実の内容でお届けする一冊。






企画・制作:スクウェア・エニックス監修: Disney、Aniplex、枢やな"

エヴァンゲリオンイラスト集 2007-2017 evan gerion irasuto shuu ℹ 07-17

エヴァンゲリオンイラスト集 2007-2017


スタジオカラーのメインスタッフをはじめ、アニメーター達の渾身のイラスト群を大サイズで掲載! 「ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版」シリーズの10年間をイラストで辿る一冊。


仕様:B4判変型(天地330mm×左右257mm)/本文176P /本文フルカラー/カバー装




権利表記 :©カラー













































bộ 地獄楽 12 - hell's paradise: jigokuraku

地獄楽 12

盤古撃破を目指す中で現れた強敵・石隠れ衆の忍シジャ。画眉丸は闘いの中で妻の存在を確信、死闘を繰り広げ決着…!! そして盤古撃破に向けて謎多き男・山田浅ェ門十禾も動き出す──!? そんな中、本土侵略に向けて動く天仙・蓮の真の目的が明らかになり、事態は混沌の極みへ──!! 生死を悟る忍法浪漫活劇、


bộ one piece 98 (ジャンプコミックス)

ONE PIECE 98 (ジャンプコミックス)

鬼ヶ島決戦が過熱する中、カイドウの娘ヤマトはルフィと共に戦う事を望むが!? 一方カイドウは「新鬼ヶ島計画」の全貌を明かし、マムと共に世界を恐怖に陥れる!! “ひとつなぎの大秘宝”を巡る海洋冒険ロマン!!

banana fishオフィシャルガイドブック rebirth 完全版 - banana fish official guide book: rebirth [complete edition

BANANA FISH オフィシャルガイドブックREBIRTH 完全版

BANANA FISHの原作公式ガイド!

アニメ化で話題沸騰、吉田秋生「BANANA FISH」の公式ガイドブックが







原作ファンも、アニメファンもより深くBANANA FISHワールドを楽しんで頂ける内容です。






復刻部分は、BANANA FISHに関わるトピックを深く掘り下げたコラムなど、


NYマップはBANANA FISHの舞台となった当時のNYの貴重な情報を


このガイドブックで、BANANA FISHワールドを、アッシュの息吹を感じてください。

bộ reading explorer 1: student book and online workbook

Reading Explorer 1: Student Book And Online Workbook

Bring the world to your reading classroom.

Reading Explorer prepares learners for academic success with highly visual, motivating National Geographic content that features real people, places, and stories.

snow white and seven dwarfs

Snow White And Seven Dwarfs

Dive into the land of fairy tales with 30 exciting sounds, including a wonderful song. Fantastic artwork and memorable characters make this the perfect, interactive way to read this classic tale.

bộ look 5 student book (british english)

Look 5 Student Book (British English)

The world is an amazing place. Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. See something real with amazing photography, authentic stories and video, and inspiring National Geographic Explorers. Help learners make connections in English between their lives and the world they live in through high-interest, global topics that encourage them to learn and express themselves. With short, fresh lessons that excite students and make teaching a joy, Look gives young learners the core language, balanced skills foundation and confidence-boosting exam support they need to use English successfully in the 21st century.

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