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jack and the beanstalk : first readers

Jack and the Beanstalk : First Readers

When Jack buys some magic beans from a mysterious old man, they lead him to a place he could never have imagined. find out who he meets at the top of the beanstalk.Share a wonderful reading experience with your child. This beautiful storybook includes a traditional fairy tale for an adult to read aloud, alongside short, simple sentences for your child to read.

access grade 9 workbook

Link Audio CD miễn phí học theo sách tại đây

combo oxford dictionary for learners of english

Combo Oxford Dictionary For Learners Of English 

Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary

Presents the information students need to understand common British and American phrasal verbs. This dictionary shows common subjects and objects to help learners use the verbs. It includes 25 pages of tips and photocopiable exercises for practice. 'Guide to the Particles' explains the important meanings of the main adverbs and prepositions.

Oxford Idioms Dictionary

Explains more than 10,000 of the most frequently used idioms in English. This dictionary contains hundreds of idioms and examples. It also includes notes on the origins of idioms, notes to help with difficult vocabulary, study pages, exercises and cartoons to aid learning and add interest.



This book shows us how we can hone our instinctive ability to know in an instant helping us to bring out the best in our thinking and become better decision makers in our homes offices and in everyday life Gladwell reveals how the power of blink could fundamentally transform our relationships the way we consume create and communicate how we run our businesses an and even our societies Youll never think about thinking in the same way again

cd付 try!日本語能力試験n4 文法から伸ばす日本語 ベトナム語版 - try! nihongo nouryoku shiken n4 bunpou kara nobasu nihongo revised version (vietnamese version)











Learn 100 sentence structures for the N4 level by studying various forms of writing including conversations with friends, simple speeches and part-time job interviews. Full of pages for greetings, particles, adverbs, demonstratives and transitive and intransitive verbs. Also includes one practice test.

Benefit 1

Situation-based conversations and readings to help you better understand how to use grammar

Benefit 2

Explanations, example sentences and practice activities for each grammar topic

Benefit 3

Review using grammar, reading and listening problems presented in the same format as the actual exam

Benefit 4

Test yourself using a practice test that follows the same format and has the same number of problems as the actual exam

日本語能力試験問題集 n2 文法スピードマスター - the workbook for the japanese language proficiency test quick mastery of n2 grammar



日本語能力試験問題集n1聴解スピードマスター - the workbook for the jlpt quick master of n1 listening with cds











タイ語・ベトナム語・インドネシア語版 日本語単語スピードマスター basic 1800 - quick mastery of vocabulary with cd

日本語学習書に対訳が付く場合は、英語のみか、英語・中国語・韓国語という主要3言語が一般的。しかし、アジアを中心に日本語学習者が年々増える中、「ほかの対訳もほしい」というニーズも増している。本書はまさに、そうした声に応えるもの。人気の「日本語単語スピードマスター」シリーズから、入門~初級レベル「BASIC1800」のタイ語・ベトナム語・インドネシア語版をリリース。 ■特長: 1.タイ語・ベトナム語・インドネシア語話者のための国内唯一の単語集。 2.カテゴリー別、テーマ別の学習で、基本語彙を効率よく覚えられる。 3.CDを使いながら、いつでも、どこでも学習できる。 4.生活場面中心、会話場面中心の例文が、実践力を高める。 5.教科書を中心とした通常の学習にも、試験対策にも使える。

日本語能力試験総合テキストn1 - the japanese language proficiency test comprehensive textbook n1

Zettai Gokaku - JLPT Japanese Language Proficiency Test comprehensive Text N1 - Japanese Language Study Book [Includes CD] - Japanese Title: 日本語能力試験総合テキストN1 (日本語能力試験対策教本シリーズ)

日本語能力試験 総合テキスト n2 - japanese language proficiency test comprehensive textbook n2


日本語能力試験 n1 聴解 必修パターン - japanese language proficiency test n1 listening essential pattern



日本語能力試験 n1 読解 必修パターン - japanese language proficiency test n1 reading compulsory pattern



日本語能力試験問題集 n2 語彙スピードマスター - the workbook for the japanese language proficiency test quick mastery of n2 vocabulary


著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)







日本語能力試験 公式問題集 n1 - jlpt n1 japanese lauguage proficiency test trial examination questions

■唯一の公式問題集 N1~N5同時発売■






水彩教室 透明水彩なるほどレッスン―プロが教える水とにじみの生かし方 - toumei suisai naruhodo ressun puro ga oshieru mizu



著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)



bộ 新完全マスター聴解 日本語能力試験 n1 - new kanzen master jlpt n1: listening (includes 2 cd)

新完全マスター聴解 日本語能力試験 N1 - New Kanzen Master JLPT N1: Listening (Includes 2 CD)



中村かおり : 拓殖大学留学生別科、東京大学日本語教育センター非常勤講師

福島佐知 : 拓殖大学留学生別科、東京外国語大学留学生日本語教育センター非常勤講師

友松悦子 : 拓殖大学留学生別科非常勤講師(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです)

bộ 新完全マスター聴解日本語能力試験 n3 - jlpt listening

新完全マスター聴解日本語能力試験 N3 - JLPT Listening















日本語能力試験 公式問題集 n3 - jlpt n3 japanese lauguage proficiency test trial examination questions

It is a collection of problems only summarizes the issues that have been questions actually.

■唯一の公式問題集 N1~N5同時発売■






30thアニバ-サリ- ドラゴンボ-ル超 - 30th anibaa sarii

Interview/Toriyama Akira...etc Draw it, and withdraw the 30th anniversary memory; comics Treasured sketching. Treasured document. Treasured documents such as an animated cartoon and a game, the toy. Character design image document. Celebration illustration from a famous comic artist...ONE PIECE/NARUTO/HUNTER x HUNTER/GINTAMA...etc The last story of the first public exhibition of rough name. Special gift...Foil stamping storing box 'The illustration of Episode 1 and the last story includes it.'

日本語能力試験スーパー模試 n1 - super n1 level practice test for the japanese - language proficiency test

JLPT 3 Sample Exams with 3 CDs(with answers). Very easy understanding and just like Brand new. No Mark on the book.






bộ read it yourself cinderella (hardcover)

Read It Yourself Cinderella (Hardcover)

Based on the classic fairy tale. Cinderella's dream of going to the prince's ball comes true when her fairy godmother appears. But she'd better be home by midnight...Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills.Each Read it yourself book is very carefully written to include many key, high-frequency words that are vital for learning to read, as well as a limited number of story words that are introduced and practised throughout. Simple sentences and frequently repeated words help to build the confidence of beginner readers and the four different levels of books support children all the way from very first reading practice through to independent, fluent reading.Each book has been carefully checked by educational consultants and can be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school. Further content includes comprehension puzzles, helpful notes for parents, carers and teachers, and book band information for use in schools.

Cinderella is a Level 1 Read it yourself title, suitable for very early readers who have had some initial reading instruction and are ready to take their first steps in reading real stories. Each story is told very simply, using a small number of frequently repeated words

life 6: student book/online workbook

National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life, a six-level integrated-skills series that develops fluency in American English. Through an exploration of real world content from National Geographic presented through stunning images, text, and video, learners will strengthen their existing global connections while learning the English skills needed for communication in the 21st century. To encourage a generation of informed decision-makers, Life prepares learners to think critically while teaching the English skills needed communicate effectively through: Information-rich topics that naturally promote curiosity and challenge learners to understand the themes. In English on a deeper level; eveloping the 21st century skills needed in a technology-rich environment, like question authors' intentions and using visually literacy skills to infer meaning; and explicit 'Critical Thinking' sections that take language learners from understanding, to evaluating, and finally to creating their own texts in English.

bộ our world american english 3 workbook with audio cd

Our World Level 3 Workbook with Audio CD

Our World is a new six-level primary series in American English, bringing age appropriate National Geographic content to young learners of English. Fun and fascinating information about the real world, with stunning images and video, gives learners the essential English language, skills, and knowledge needed to understand their world.

bộ 21st century reading 1: creative thinking and reading with ted talks

21st Century Reading was created through a partnership between TED, a nonprofit dedicated to spreading ideas through short, powerful talks and National Geographic Learning. 21st Century Reading provides the ideal forum for learners of English to make connections with topics ranging from science to business to global issues. Using TED Talks as the springboard to share ideas, this new four-level reading series shows learners how to understand and respond to ideas and content in English.

bộ life 1: student book

National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life, a six-level integrated-skills series that develops fluency in American English. Through an exploration of real world content from National Geographic presented through stunning images, text, and video, learners will strengthen their existing global connections while learning the English skills needed for communication in the 21st century. To encourage a generation of informed decision-makers, Life prepares learners to think critically while teaching the English skills needed communicate effectively through: Information-rich topics that naturally promote curiosity and challenge learners to understand the themes. In English on a deeper level; eveloping the 21st century skills needed in a technology-rich environment, like question authors' intentions and using visually literacy skills to infer meaning; and explicit 'Critical Thinking' sections that take language learners from understanding, to evaluating, and finally to creating their own texts in English.

achieve ielts 2 workbook

Achieve IELTS is written by experienced IELTS teachers and examiners and offers a unique approach to preparing students for the IELTS examination. It is a two-level, student-centred course that not only prepares students for the test but also for academic life after IELTS. This popular IELTS preparation course has been completely revised. The Student's and Teacher's Books have been redesigned. The Student's Books have new and updated listening and reading texts, and almost all of the photographs, charts and graphs have been replaced. Подробнее: https://lavkababuin.com/achieve-ielts-2-wb-with-audio-cd-300163/

bộ welcome to our world: student book 2

Welcome to Our World is a three-level preprimary series in American English. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world to introduce very young learners to the world of English.

bộ welcome to our world: student book 3

Welcome to Our World is a three-level preprimary series in American English. It uses traditional children's songs from around the world to introduce very young learners to the world of English.

our world ame 4 workbook

Our World Ame 4 Workbook

Wordery is one of the UK's largest online booksellers.

With millions of satisfied customers who enjoy low prices on a huge range of books, we offer a reliable and trusted service and consistently receive excellent feedback.

We offer a huge range of over 8 million books; bestsellers, children's books, cheap paperbacks, baby books, special edition hardbacks, and textbooks. All our books are dispatched from the UK. Wordery offers Free Delivery on all UK orders, and competitively priced international delivery.

alice's adventures in wonderland and through the looking glass

Alice's Adventures In Wonderland And Through The Looking Glass

Series:&nbsp;The Penguin English Library

Paperback:&nbsp;272 pages

This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of A"lice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carroll. '"Curiouser and curiouser!" cried Alice (she was so surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English). "Now I'm opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! Goodbye, feet!"' 'I had sent my heroine straight down a rabbit-hole ...without the least idea what was to happen afterwards,' wrote Lewis Carroll, describing how Alice was conjured up one 'golden afternoon' in 1862 to entertain his child-friend Alice Liddell. His dream worlds of nonsensical Wonderland and the back-to-front Looking Glass kingdom depict order turned upside-down: a baby turns into a pig, time is abandoned at a disorderly tea-party and a chaotic game of chess makes a seven-year-old girl a Queen. But amongst the anarchic humour and sparkling word play, puzzles and riddles, are poignant moments of nostalgia for lost childhood. "The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

bộ connect level 1 workbook: level 1

Connect, Second Edition, is a fun, four-level, multi-skills American English course especially written and designed for young adolescents. Workbook 1 provides additional reading and writing reinforcement of Student's Book 1. There is one workbook page per Student's Book lesson. In the Check Yourself sections, students assess their own performance. Answer keys are in Teacher's Edition 1.

grammar and vocabulary for first and first for schools book with answers and audio

Grammar and Vocabulary reference and practice for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) and Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools from 2015 Cambridge Grammar for First Certificate provides complete coverage of the grammar needed for the Cambridge FCE exam, and develops listening skills at the same time. It includes the full range of FCE exam tasks from the Reading, Writing and Listening papers, and contains helpful grammar explanations and a grammar glossary. This edition is updated for the new exam to be introduced from 2015. An edition 'without answers' is also available.

grammar and vocabulary for advanced book with answers and audio: self-study grammar reference and practice

Grammar and Vocabulary reference and practice for the revised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) from 2015 Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency provides complete coverage of the grammar needed for both CAE and Proficiency with plenty of exam practice at the same time. Grammar is presented in a listening context giving students the chance to hear it being used in realistic situations and making it easier to remember. It includes the full range of exam tasks from the Reading, Writing and Listening papers and shows how grammar knowledge is tested in each of these. Informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, grammar is presented in genuine contexts and the book covers the errors students really make.

bikes of burden

It is the motorbike that makes Vietnam tick. In Saigon alone, two million ply the streets. People commute by bike, father take their kids to school by bike (you'd be surprised how many at a time!), and products find their way to the consumers by motorbike. The bike as backbone of the economy the bike as carrier of goods and people the bike as beast of burden. A remarkable selection of Hans Kemp's finest shots - often taken from the back of one of the self-same bikes - quirky, mystifying, eye-opening,frightening and downright unbelievable. Can you really get that many people on a 50cc bike? How can he drive that thing when his load blocks his vision? Why doesn't the whole thing fall apart under the weight? Dead pigs? Surreal, man.

bộ peppa pig: school bus trip - read it yourself with ladybird

Peppa Pig: School Bus Trip - Read it Yourself with Ladybird

Peppa and her friends are going on a school bus trip. What adventures will they have when they visit the mountains? Based on a story featuring the enduringly popular Peppa Pig. 

Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling reading series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills.

Each Read it yourself book is very carefully written to include many key, high-frequency words that are vital for learning to read, as well as a limited number of story words that are introduced and practised throughout. Simple sentences and frequently repeated words help to build the confidence of beginner readers and the four different levels of books support children all the way from very first reading practice through to independent, fluent reading.

Each book has been carefully checked by educational consultants and can be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school. Further content includes comprehension puzzles, helpful notes for parents, carers and teachers, and book band information for use in schools.

Peppa Pig: School Bus Trip is a Level 2 Read it yourself book, ideal for children who have received some initial reading instruction and can read short, simple sentences with help.

Kiến Thức Chia Sẻ là chuyên trang chia sẻ tài liệu học tập hay và sách PDF miễn phí, giúp người học tiếp cận nguồn kiến thức phong phú và đa dạng. Từ sách giáo trình, tài liệu ôn thi đến ebook chuyên ngành, trang web cung cấp đầy đủ nội dung chất lượng, hỗ trợ học tập hiệu quả. Với giao diện thân thiện và kho tài nguyên cập nhật liên tục, đây là địa chỉ tin cậy cho mọi đối tượng học sinh, sinh viên, và người đam mê tri thức. Truy cập ngay để khám phá và tải sách PDF hoàn toàn miễn phí!


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