A Voice for the Spirit Bears: How One Boy Inspired Millions to Save a Rare Animal
As a child, Simon Jackson found navigating the world of the school playground difficult. He felt most at home in the woodlands, learning about and photographing wildlife. As a teenager, he became fascinated with spirit bears, a rare subspecies of black bear with creamy white fur. These elusive creatures were losing their habitat to deforestation, and Simon knew he had to do something to protect them. He decided he would become the voice for the spirit bears. But first, he would have to find his own.
Carmen Oliver's inspiring true story is based on the early life of Simon Jackson, who founded the Spirit Bear Youth Coalition. On his remarkable journey to protect the spirit bears, he met Dr. Jane Goodall and eventually hiked the Great Bear Rainforest --- the home of these elusive animals. Katy Dockrill's captivating art adds depth and beauty to the story. Photos and additional details about Simon Jackson's life and about spirit bears are included in the end matter. Part of the CitizenKid collection, this book demonstrates how one child can be a voice for change. Simon's story is an excellent example of growth mindset at work, highlighting personal growth and overcoming obstacles through activism. This book can also be used to lead discussions about character education as it relates to courage, resilience and perseverance. In addition, it has strong science curriculum links to the environment, animal habitats and the effects of clear-cutting.
Gấu Là Bạn Đọc Sách Tuyệt Vời Nhất
Làm thế nào một chú gấu có thể cùng đọc sách với con người, hơn nữa, còn có thể trở thành một người bạn đọc sách hoàn hảo nhất? Với bộ móng hoàn hảo để lật những trang giấy và chiếc mũi siêu thính, đánh hơi được những chuyến thám hiểm kì thú, những chú gấu thực sự là những người bạn đọc sách tuyệt vời nhất nhưng liệu Adelaide có thể thuyết phục được cô Fitz-Pea không?
Sách kỹ năng sống, Sách nuôi dạy con, Sách tiểu sử hồi ký, Sách nữ công gia chánh, Sách học tiếng hàn, Sách thiếu nhi