Monster Dash! (Tiny Town Push And Play)
Monster loves dashing around in his car! Discover where monster is zooming off to in this interactive Push and Play title.
Push and Play is an innovative board book series that allows children to interact with the play piece characters and to use their imagination to take a journey through the simple, immersive story.
Push out the play piece on the front cover and guide it around, under and through eight story play scenes. The die-cut pages provide a magical gateway from one scene to the next.
Awesome Mega Animals
Elevate your knowledge with 250 curious facts about some of the most enormous creatures on Earth. Do you dare to discover the biggest of them all?
From big cats, beastly bears and more, this unique Elevate book features raised pictures and ranking reveals to encourage curiosity and exploration of some of the most amazing animal giants on Earth. From lions with 4-cm long claws and terrifying tigers that weigh 300kg to bamboo-munching giant pandas and enormous polar bears, this book is packed with 250 facts to discover and learn as you challenge yourself to guess which creatures are big, which are bigger and which creatures are the biggest!
Awesome Fierce Dinosaurs
Elevate your knowledge with 250 curious facts about some of the most fearsome dinosaurs to have ever existed on Earth. Do you dare to discover the fiercest of them all?
From horrible hunters, supersize sauropods, deadly defenders and more, this unique Elevate book features raised pictures and ranking reveals to encourage curiosity and exploration of some of the most fierce dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures that ever lived on Earth. From terrifying Tyrannosaurus rex and armoured Ankylosaurus to vicious Velociraptor and spiky Triceratops, this book is packed with 250 facts to discover and learn as you challenge yourself to guess which dinosaurs are fierce, which are fiercer and which dinosaurs are the fiercest!
Awesome Fast Animals
Elevate your knowledge with 250 curious facts about some of the most endangered creatures on Earth. Do you dare to discover the rarest of them all?
From ocean hunters, birds of prey, land carnivores, speedy bugs, and more, this unique Elevate book features raised pictures and ranking reveals to encourage curiosity and exploration of some of the fastest animals on Earth. From sharks, bigs cats, and hummingbirds to bears, sailfish, and even humans, this book is packed with 250 facts to discover and learn as you challenge yourself to guess which creatures are fast, which are faster, and which creatures are the fastest!
Scratch And Draw Unicorns & Horses Too! - Scratch Art Activity Book
Create AMAZING rainbow and foil art with Scratch and Draw Horses and Unicorns
- Rainbow colours and foil patterns hide beneath the black coating - use the included wooden stylus to cleverly reveal them with a simple scratch!
- Also includes step-by-step instructions to learn how to draw amazing pictures of cute horses and unicorns.
- Finish the brilliant scratch art unicorn-themed adventure story included.
- Easy to use, amazing results!
- Perfect entertainment for car, train or plane journeys.
- Rainy day activity that is mess free!
- Creative art activity fun for children age 5 and up.
Goodnight Monkey (Magic Flashlight Books)
Monkey is ready for bed, but first she wants to say good night to all her rainforest friends. Young children will love to help Monkey find her animal friends in this interactive novelty book. Insert the included 'magic torch' between the pages to find Monkey's friends in each nighttime scene and watch children glow with delight.
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