The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdom period (907-979) in Imperial China was one of upheavals and divisions. This gave the Việt people a precious opportunity to claim their independence. The Khúc and Dương families did just that. However, in name, they were still “Tiết độ sứ”- military governors serving the northern “heavenly kingdom”.
Independence in name was finally realised with Ngô Quyền’s victory on the Bạch Đằng River. The Southern Hán (Southern Han) finally give up their ambition to invade the Việt country. This victory put Ngô Quyền on the throne and ushered in a time of true independence. This is a big turning point in our history - the start of a remarkable era full of achievements under subsequent dynasties: The Đinh, The Early Lê, The Lý, The Trần and The Hồ.
The story “Ngô Quyền defeats the Southern Hán Army” is about this important event. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed telling it.
Sách kỹ năng sống, Sách nuôi dạy con, Sách tiểu sử hồi ký, Sách nữ công gia chánh, Sách học tiếng hàn, Sách thiếu nhi